Testing starts Tuesday! If you are in 7th grade, please arrive on time with a charged laptop!
almost 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson
Thursday and Friday are the final days to sign up for the Online Talent Show. The sign up sheet is on the door of the music classroom.
almost 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson
Attention parent’s who have changed your Child’s learning platform for the 4th 9 weeks.... -Their first day will be April 5th. -As we have worked to fit them into a new schedule, their schoology dashboard will show their “old” classes, as well as their their “new” classes for the first week, please do not be alarmed. - We will give them their new schedule upon their arrival to school on April 5. - It is possible that your student may have a related arts class that they have already had. We have tried to avoid this as much as possible, but it is a possibility. If you have questions about this, please feel free to contact Mr. Shock at school. -Please encourage your students to continue to do their work. This has been a difficult year on everyone, we hope we can finish this last 9 weeks strong and have a little bit of normalcy for next year 💚
almost 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson
Congratulations to Samantha Engel for being voted WMS Teacher of the Year and to Robin Hicks for Service Personnel of the Year!!
almost 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson
Spirit week results are in! Check them out below. Monday - Pajama Pants Day Tuesday - Twin/Multiples Day Wednesday - Character Day Thursday - Hoodies and Sweats Friday - Tie-Dye Day
almost 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson
For the week March 22-26, Related Arts classes will meet Group B on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Group A on Thursday and Friday.
almost 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson
If you are interested in the web development program, let Mr. Ferguson know as soon as possible! Space is limited.
almost 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson
Friday, February 26, students will be released 2 hours early.
about 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson
Monday 2/15 - Remote instruction following a two hour delay schedule
about 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson
Friday, February 12, students will be released 2 hours early.
about 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson
Students do not report to school on Monday, January 18 (Martin Luther King, Jr Day) and Monday, January 25 (ET day).
about 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson
Putnam County Schools has established an Emotional Support Phone Line for families and students in need of emotional support during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Emotional Support Line is (304) 586-4947. Feeling isolated, overwhelmed, or alone? Need to talk? Do you or does your family need emotional support during the COVID 19 pandemic? The Putnam County Schools Emotional Support Phone Line provides resource referrals for students and families experiencing emotional distress. Student support staff are available to talk, offer resources, and provide referrals to other local agencies if needed Monday thru Friday 10am to 6pm. If you are experiencing an emergency crisis, please contact the West Virginia Children’s Crisis Line at 1-800-HELP4WV (1-800-435-7498) or call 911 immediately. West Virginia Children’s Crisis can also be reached on their website: https://wwwhelp4wv.com/ccl
about 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson
If you wish to change the instructional delivery model that your child is currently receiving, please call and speak to Mr. Shock or Mrs. Luikart between the dates of January 4 and January 8. If you change platforms, this could possibly change your child’s teachers, as not all teachers teach virtually and vice versa with in person learning. Requests made outside of this window cannot be guaranteed. Students whose platform changes will begin with their new platform on Tuesday, January 26.
about 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson
Thursday, December 17 (8th Grade- 8:30 to 10:30) (7th Grade- 12:00 to 3:00) Any 7th or 8th Grade student who has a computer that is not an L390 may come during their assigned time and switch out their computer. Also, if you switched computers in the last 2 weeks and got an L13, you do not need to switch. Please park in the circle and enter through the main entrance. A face covering must be worn and social distancing will be followed. Please remember to bring your old computer and charger to swap out. If you cannot come during the assigned times, please contact the administration and alternate arrangements can be made. Please ensure the student attends, so they may log in to their new computer to make sure it works ok.
about 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson
FREE MEALS AVAILABLE FOR ALL PCS STUDENTS: This meal service is free of charge and available for ALL students, whether or not enrolled in the meal benefit program. Therefore, we encourage all families to take advantage of this opportunity. Daily pick-up times for meals are from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm at each school. Families will pick-up meals at their students’ home school location, curbside while remaining in the vehicle. If transportation is a problem, families may contact their home school to request meal delivery assistance.
about 4 years ago, John Hudson
Parents, please remember that there will be no school / team meetings next week. We encourage you to enjoy the week with your children. We know this has been a stressful year for everyone. As a staff, we hope you can take the week to enjoy some downtime and enjoy your family. Also, please remember we will be doing remote learning November 30, December 1, and December 2, per Governor Justice's order.
over 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson
Information for the coming week.... - Putnam county is Orange on the WVDE map. This means PCS will operate fully remote for this week. - Meals will be passed out in front of the school from 11:00–12:30. We will have a cone out infront of the school. Please pull up to the cone to receive a meal. - Wrestling starts at 3:30 Monday. Please come to the football field house behind the school if your child is interested in wrestling. They must have a physical to participate. - Boy’s basketball tryouts information is as follows: Tryouts will be Monday and Tuesday 8th graders tryout from 6:00-7:15 6th and 7th graders tryout from 7:15-8:30 You must have a physical to participate. If you have any questions, please contact the school and we will try to help you.
over 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson
* Christmas Blessings Application Open House * If you need help filling out the Christmas Blessings application before our November 19th deadline, we will have folks available at City Hall to assist you in person on Tuesday, November 10 from 1pm – 6pm. There’s no need to make an appointment – just stop by anytime between those times if you have questions or you just aren't sure what we need. We will have copies of the application, but please bring all paperwork/documentation you THINK we might need (including documents related to proof of income). We'll help you work through it! Please be sure to wear a mask. This program is open to families who have children ages infant - high school who live in Putnam County and who are in need of help for Christmas.
over 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson
School start times will be delayed 30 minutes for the 2020-2021 school year. School doors will open at 8:00.
over 4 years ago, Sean Ferguson